
About the foundation

All the objectives mentioned hereunder will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Government / Concerned Authority or Competent Authority and the objectives contrary to the provision of section 20 of the Act, “The Societies Registration Act, 1860” shall be treated as ineffective.

Following are the outlines of the general objectives of the Foundation:
To provide for a common place for the society for the purposes of recreation, discussion of common problems, encouragement of thrift, advancement of welfare ideas of the society.

To develop civic consciousness, to raise standard of living and to take steps for development and enactment of appropriate legislation for the interests of the people.

  • To found, build, manage, and maintain libraries, museums, public buildings and halls, parks, playgrounds, places of recreation, and other places of use to students, communities, and peoples.
  • To foster, encourage, secure, maintain good and closer relationships and amity in and among communities and peoples of Bangladesh and other countries of the world through educational, social, and cultural activities.
  • To facilitate the establishment of networks and alliances among the educational and learning communities who are sharing the common interest of developing a forward looking, competent human resources base in Bangladesh.
  • To contribute to the advancement of different communities in Bangladesh by providing the opportunity for young people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change.
  • To undertake and implement recreational programs intended to keep people away from anti- social activities and to train people for social works.
  • To undertake educational programs aimed at developing sense of civic and legal responsibilities like Aids, Birth Control, Mother and Child Care of the people of all levels.
  • To conduct training and teaching programs and to conduct qualitative and quantitative research and recommend appropriate measures and reforms on any environmental, social, legal, and any other issue related to the objectives of the HCF.
  • To undertake study, research, seminar and workshop and to invite scholars from home and abroad for sharing their knowledge, experience and expertise.
  • To contribute or assist other charitable bodies or concerns having similar objectives and to receive contributions from such or similar organizations working in Bangladesh or abroad.
  • To provide & support Mother and Child heath care, nutrition, blood donation program, eye checkup and treatment, Vaccination, for the poor.
  • To provide community training on Mother and Child health, anti-smoking & anti drug and narcotic control program, sanitation, HIV, AIDS and others communicable diseases and establish to Health Care Center, sanitation, and Hospitals for free Medical services specially the maternity & child health care system.
  • To undertake and carry on any humanitarian or charitable program for the poor.
  • To take up program for promotion of literature, fine art science and education.
  • To take up program to distribute relief among the neglected, poverty stricken in the event of any natural calamity like flood, storm, cyclone and earth quack.
  • To arrange/take up training activities of improved educational program for literate and half educated people for the purpose of increasing capability of works.
  • To establish libraries, reading room, study centre for developing the habit of study for the benefit of the Society.
  • To publish care/old manuscript of the lost folklore of the country including the myth book after being collected them.
  • To arrange exhibition of Fine art / painting through display centre/museum and mobile museum.
  • To arrange display of sculptured /collection of painting through museum and mobile museum.
  • To undertake motivation work among the human being / public to create awareness literature arts and science.
  • To under take program for educational research on archeology and histories relics.
  • To distribute books free of cost among the poor students Alem and Ulema of school, College University and Madrasah for the purpose of amelioration of the quality of education.
  • To establish library and reading room for the members and for the use of general public for the purpose of promotion of education and culture.
  • To take up adopt any Program to promote our culture such as Seminar, Really, Workshop, Symposium, Fair.
  • To establish shelter center for the “Potho Shishu”, disabled people and old man, orphan and to maintain them with necessary and relevant facilities.
  • To take various programmed for social forestry, fisheries & agriculture and to establish poultry and livestock farms, hatcheries and nurseries to provide income generating activities for the poor landless people.
  • To establish Free Legal Aid Service Center for the Victimized, Vulnerable, Poor people specially for the women and children and to take programme for ensuring our human rights.
  • To establish Training Center to develop Small Cottage & Industries sector for the educated unemployed young men & women.
  • To arrange or take up training activities like Handicrafts, Fashion & designing for literate and half educated people for the purpose of increasing capability of works.
  • To arrange Cultural Program, Fair Exhibition of Fine art/painting through display centre/museum and mobile museum.
  • To establish Research & Center for educational research on archeology and historical relics, Industrial Products, Public Opinions.
  • To develop programmed for environment pollution, pure water and sustainable development.
  • To set up and establish Press and Publication of Book, Weekly Magazine, Monthly Magazine, weakly, Half yearly and yearly Magazine, Monthly of any (agency) Current News and Current affairs, World News & Media News of printing, packaging, publishing by converting the cultural and industrial papers or any other process as printers, manufacturers and dealers of the products.

Others/The Foundation shall

  • Institute, conduct, defend or compromise legal proceeding by or against the Society or its office bearers in respect of matters affecting the Society.
  • Make rules and regulations of by-laws not inconsistent with the law, or with the memorandum of the Foundation for the proper administration of the Society and all its institutions and projects.
  • Do all such other lawful acts, matters, deeds and things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives.

President’s Message

Mahfuzur Rahman


We, the HSC 89 Batch from Dhaka College, have passed our glorious and colorful 28 years of journey after the HSC Examination. On the course of our journey I modestly express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for giving us the chance to come to a platform like Dhaka College HSC ’89 Foundation.

I am honored and excited to serve you as President of the Dhaka College HSC ’89 Foundation. The foundation continues to work hard for strengthening the bondage among the batch mates. It continues to focus on making the HSC ’89 Batch best ever in the Dhaka College history.

We are committed to recognizing and nurturing the rich and proud heritage Dhaka College. We are also conscious to develop the ways and means to involve and communicate with the batch mates and to see that the all batch mates are recognized as a respected and integral part of the Dhaka College HSC ’89 Foundation.

With that charge, we will continue to focus much of our future effort on our foundation growth, improvement of communication with our mates and expanding our affinity partnerships. Batch growth does not only mean growing our charitable activities but developing the socio- economic conditions of our mates as well as the society. This will enhance our friendships, aid in family life, develop our bondage and deepen our proud heritage. I am pleased to inform you that the Dhaka College HSC ’89 Foundation is doing a great job in this area. I am proud to be associated with a bunch of active members.

Together we can influence the future of our Alma Mater, build a legacy that will maintain the name of the Dhaka College HSC ’89 Foundation, honor our pride in the Dhaka College area. That is on the rings that we wear, while strengthening the reputation of Dhaka College HSC 89 Foundation and increasing the value of our degrees.

Let’s all be in a good bond for fellowship, cooperation and development. Let’s proceed to look in, to reach out – to serve the goal of the goals – the humanity


Mohakhali Branch

A/C : Dhaka College HSC 89 Foundation
SND 11031010029759

Activities & News


স্থান: ঈগল হল, রাওয়া ক্লাব, মহাখালী, ঢাকা। তারিখ: ৭ এপ্রিল, রবিবার, ২৭ রমজান।   সৌজন্যে: মাহফুজুর রহমান, সভাপতি, ঢাকা কলেজ এসএসসি ‘৮৯ ফাউন্ডেশন ও পরিচালক, হাতিল ফার্নিচার।

MORE ইফতার*ও*দোয়া*মাহফিল*২০২৪

আফতাবনগরে*আড্ডা*ও*দোয়ার*আয়োজন; ২৫ মে ২০২৪

আমাদের ঢাকা কলেজ ৮৯ ফাউন্ডেশনের আফতাবনগরে লীজ পাওয়া নিজস্ব জমি পরিদর্শন উপলক্ষে আয়োজিত ছোটখাটো আড্ডা বন্ধু অ্যাডভোকেট রেজার কল্যাণে জম্পেশ আড্ডায় রূপ নেয়।

MORE আফতাবনগরে*আড্ডা*ও*দোয়ার*আয়োজন; ২৫ মে ২০২৪


৭ জানুয়ারী ২০২৩, শনিবার ঢাকা কলেজ ‘৮৯ ফাউন্ডেশনের এজিএম ও ফ্যামিলি ডে অংকন রিসোর্ট, খাসেরচর, সিংগাইর, মানিকগঞ্জে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। আমাদের এজিএম ও মিলনমেলার অনুষ্ঠান সুন্দরভাবে অনুষ্ঠিত হওয়ার কৃতিত্ব অংশগ্রহণকারী সবার। অংশগ্রহণকারী বন্ধুদের সবার যার যার লেভেলে অংশগ্রহণ ও কো-অর্ডিনেশনই অনুষ্ঠানটিকে সফল ও প্রানবন্ত করেছে। তবে এজন্য কয়েকজনের নাম বিশেষভাবে উল্লেখ না করলেই নয়। গত ইসি…

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